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James Lehman - The Total Transformation
(How to Resolve Child Behavior Problems)

James Lehman addresses the full spectrum of behavior problems in children and teens: defiance, back talk, lying, disrespect, acting out in school, homework struggles, refusal to get out of bed or do chores, tantrums, cursing, substance abuse, lack of motivation and abusive behavior. He provides specific recommendations on how to handle each behavior, with guidance on what to do and what to say to the child.


For years, parents in northern New England waited up to three months to get an appointment with behavioral therapist James Lehman. His straight-talk effectiveness with children and adolescents with the most severe behavior problems was well known. Parents who had worked with James spoke of the profound transformations he had helped them achieve in their families.

Now Legacy Publishing Company brings James Lehman's techniques to parents everywhere, with The Total Transformation®—a step-by-step, multi-media program designed to help parents manage challenging behaviors in children and teenagers.

The program uses cognitive learning theory and behavior management techniques to help children and adolescents change their behavior. Parents learn to teach their children how to solve social problems rather than respond to these problems with defiance, blaming, anger or abusive behavior. The Total Transformation® focuses on changing thinking rather than changing feelings to achieve better behavior—an approach that differs from traditional insight-oriented therapy.

James Lehman addresses the full spectrum of behavior problems in children and teens: defiance, back talk, lying, disrespect, acting out in school, homework struggles, refusal to get out of bed or do chores, tantrums, cursing, substance abuse, lack of motivation and abusive behavior. He provides specific recommendations on how to handle each behavior, with guidance on what to do and what to say to the child.

Legacy Publishing Company presents the information on DVD and CD with an interactive workbook, in a user-friendly, practical format that is easy for parents to learn and apply.

Correct Child Behavior Problems, by James Lehman Total Transformation


A complete list of help can be found on our Marriage And Divorce Sources Of Help page. Including other sources, you will find a number of very good links and phone numbers to clinics, ministries and christian counselors who can help. Some marriage divorce counseling is free of charge, while others are not.

There are many critical keys in this book regarding divorce, remarriage, submission, interracial marriage and relationships. Click on Divorce: God's Will? to order.


Divorce Hope
Port Carbon, PA 17965 U.S.A.

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Stephen Gola, DivorceHope.com & DivorceHope. All rights reserved.








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