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Joseph Melnick Presents: THE US FACTOR

(You CAN have a great marriage. Learn the secrets to loving well.)

I created The Us Factor™ Program because I’ve worked with hundreds of couples in your situation, and I know what it takes to make a marriage great. I’ve seen couples on the brink of divorce fall deeply in love again…just by making a few simple changes. I designed the program to teach you what I’ve learned in my 25 years of working with couples and my 40 years of marriage. I’ll show you exactly how to get your marriage back on track, with the words, skills and techniques you need to stop the arguments, bring you closer and get you back in love again.


It doesn’t matter if you’ve fallen out of love. You’ll see how to get it back. Or you may still be in love. But often, the difficulties of marriage can diminish loving feelings. The Us Factor™ can show you a new way to love and be loved that can re-ignite the attraction, excitement and communication you once had. We’ll do it by giving you the skills that are the secret to a great marriage:

Communication Breakdown? 5 Steps to Get Closer Now
Do you feel like you’re living in the same house, but in two different worlds? Can you feel the anger when you try to talk to each other? Do you feel misunderstood and alone? In The Us Factor™, you’ll learn five things you can do right now…today…to break down the wall and get the communication flowing again—even better than it did in the beginning.

How to Argue About Any Subject…Without Destroying Your Marriage
If you and your spouse argue about everything and the emotions and tempers get out of control, I’ll help you learn a new way to talk about serious subjects and disagree with each other in a way that’s non-threatening, and no one gets defensive or hurt. You’ll learn that your disagreements can actually bring you closer together.

Lack of Physical Attraction? You Can Get Your Spouse to Warm Up to
You Again Why doesn’t your wife look at you with those longing eyes anymore? Why can’t your husband be romantic and affectionate instead of just looking for sex all the time? There are reasons, and the problem can be easier to solve than you think. I designed The Us Factor™ with specific techniques you can use to get the attraction back in your marriage. You’ll learn what
you can do today to make yourself desirable to her. Or how to fall in love with him again…like it’s new all over.

Legacy Publishing Company presents the information on DVD and CD with an interactive workbook, in a user-friendly, practical format that is easy for parents to learn and apply.

Click Joseph Melnick Presents: The Us Factor,


A complete list of help can be found on our Marriage And Divorce Sources Of Help page. Including other sources, you will find a number of very good links and phone numbers to clinics, ministries and christian counselors who can help. Some marriage divorce counseling is free of charge, while others are not.

There are many critical keys in this book regarding divorce, remarriage, submission, interracial marriage and relationships. Click on Divorce: God's Will? to order.


Divorce Hope
Port Carbon, PA 17965 U.S.A.

Copyright © 1992 - 2024 by:
Stephen Gola, DivorceHope.com & DivorceHope. All rights reserved.








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