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What We Believe About Marriage

(Marriage Beliefs, Marriage and God, and Marriage and the Bible.)
The Bible teaches marriage is the foundation of society. God established marriage (the family) and the church institutions to be the incubator of life. Just because God instituted marriage, it is no way supersedes His will and His commandments for those within the marriage institutions.


We believe that within the marriage relationship:

1) That each spouse is in a secondary position to each other in respect to each others relationship to God. (Submission teaching)

2) That neither spouse has a right to forbid, cancel or negate the other spouses calling or gifts from the Lord; but rather to encourage each other to follow God no matter what.

3) That whichever spouse (husband or wife) receives a calling, commission, direction or command from the Lord that the other spouse is to follow. If one believes it is of God and the other one does not, then the receiving spouse who believes it is should be released to fulfill it. If it involves both partners, then heartfelt time with the Lord shall be spent till the answer comes.

4) That no spouse is to endure or tolerate within the family physical, sexual or verbal abuse, alcoholic abuse, drugs or illegal substances or actions: That immediate corrective action should be sought (even by legal means) with the full support of the local church. (Love is Conditional, Not "'Unconditional)

5) That each spouse has a command from God to resist (even by legal means) anything that is unrighteous, unholy, immoral or illegal from the other spouse; though all acts of resistance are to be done in respect and honor. (Marriage Covenants are Conditional)

6) That each spouse is to submit to one another as they would submit "as unto the Lord": ONLY in righteousness (doing right acts), in holiness (living a life separate from impurity), and in the highest standards of morality and truth.

7) Marriage IS a lifetime commitment; however, it is not a lifetime commitment without conditions — the keeping of the marriage vows (one’s promise to “love”). (Marriage Covenants are Conditional)


Divorce Hope
Port Carbon, PA 17965 U.S.A.

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Stephen Gola, DivorceHope.com & DivorceHope. All rights reserved.



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