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Table of Contents


Against popular belief, God loves the man and woman who make up the marriage more than their marriage itself. His heart is to save people first, not marriages. When the couple is whole the marriage is whole. Divorce is not sin in itself. God is always first in a marriage, not the spouse.

Caring Too Much for the Wrong Thing ..................15
Method or the Motive Behind the Method? ..............17
When Is Divorce Sin? .................................20
Non-Christian Spouse Willing to Live Godly ...........21
A Sanctified Spouse Doing Unholy Things? .............23
Slaves of Men or Slaves of Righteousness .............24
Staying in a Marriage For the Wrong Reasons ..........26
A Love Story Gone Bad ................................28
The Separating Point .................................30
They Both Lost Out ...................................31
There’s Still Hope ...................................32


Marrying outside the will of God can cause great problems. Divorce is used in these instances to save. Race is not the color or the facial feature of a person, but culture. Having different cultures is God's plan. Marrying within your culture (without regard to color or facial features) is also God's plan.

Marrying Outside the Will of God Can Destroy a Nation.37
God’s Use of Divorce is to Save, Not Destroy .........41
Marrying Outside Your Race ...........................42
Christ: Many Membered, Many Cultured, Each Distinct ..45
The Races of Peoples and The Blessings of God ........46
Keeping Blessings For an Appointed Generation ........49
General Law, Special Law .............................50
Different Members Are the Plan .......................54


God Himself invented divorce, not man. There are marriages God hates just as there are divorces that God hates. God's peace will always separate you from a wrong, bad or an abusive marriage.

Who Invented Divorce Anyway? .........................59
God Hates Marriage? ..................................61
Steering You Away From God ...........................62
Abuse ................................................63
Verbal Abuse .........................................65
Spiritual Abuse.......................................67
God has No "Mistakes".................................70
The Separating Power of Peace ........................72


We can actually be joined in marriage by the law, but not be joined by the Law-giver Himself. Having a baby out of wedlock does not dictate marriage. Staying in a wrong marriage is always worse than a divorce.

Did God Join Us Together? ............................77
Did We Join Ourselves Together? ......................78
Because of Peer Pressure .............................79
God’s Will for Marriage Isn't Based on Having a Baby..80
Unsanctified Marriages ...............................81


There are two types of marriage separations: one initiated by the marriage partners, and one initiated by God. God separates to save the people. Breaking soul ties can actually save your marriage, or free you from a bad relationship.

Who is the Man? ......................................85
To Which Divorce Did God Say, "I Hate Divorce?" ......85
God Brings Together and God Pulls Apart ..............87
A Nation: A Reflection of Marriages ..................89
When Man Separates, It Can be Temporary ..............90
When God Divorces, It’s Permanent ....................92
God’s Nature Is to Separate ..........................95
The Anointing to Separate ............................97
Mercy and Judgment, the Balance Point ................98
Don’t Look Back ......................................99
It’s Good to Save People ............................100
Breaking of a "Tie," Becoming Two Instead of One ....101
Breaking Free .......................................103


Remarriage after divorce is the will of God. Adultery is not mandatory grounds for a divorce. A widow is also a woman who was divorced or deserted. It takes four kinds of love in a marriage to make it complete. Whether you've been through a marriage, divorce, remarriage, widowed or deserted, God tenderly cares for you.

Divorce and Remarriage ..............................109
Remarriage Truth ....................................113
Adultery, Grounds For Divorce .......................114
They Say, "We Have a Spouse," Yet We’re Unmarried ...115
The True Widow ......................................117
Two Types of Widows .................................118
The Sabbaths of the Lord ............................120
Led By the Spirit Through a Divorce .................123
Relationship in Marriage ............................125
A Complete Marriage .................................127
The Missing Link ....................................129


Submission never means that you subject yourself to wrongdoing, abuse or control. Submission always has resistance to wrong -- always! You can actually throw away the liberation that God has provided to get you out of a bad situation by doing the "right thing" -- staying in a bad marriage. The keys to christian husband wife submission.

Submission ...........................................133
God’s Rule Governing Submission ......................134
Submission Always Has Resistance .....................135
Submission to Those in Authority .....................137
Submission to One Another ............................138
Submission to Spouse .................................139
Having God’s Heart in Submission .....................140
Doing the Right Thing, Too Long ......................145

Divorce Hope
Port Carbon, PA 17965 U.S.A.

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Stephen Gola, DivorceHope.com & DivorceHope. All rights reserved.