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by Joseph Melnick

If You Are Feeling Hopeless Please Read This:

Maybe you’re thinking, “Nothing will help my marriage. We’ve just drifted too far apart, and I’ve tried everything already. ” You might feel defeated, alone and sad about what’s happened between the two of you. After years of arguing and trying and arguing more, perhaps you’ve just thrown your hands up and you don’t know what to do. Maybe you’ve separated or you’re considering divorce. I know that feeling. I’ve met hundreds of couples who felt the same way…right before they learned the skills they needed to turn their marriage around.


Marriages don’t grow on their own.
Marital problems don’t get fixed by hoping things will change or repeating what isn’t working. If you still love your husband or wife…even a little…there is hope. I designed The Us Factor™ to give you a roadmap to a better marriage— the one you imagined on your wedding day.

You Fix a Marriage By Fixing The Small Moments
I’ve met so many couples who thought that taking a cruise or an exotic vacation was the answer to fixing their marital troubles. They tried “date night” and it didn’t work. They even tried couples counseling, and it just wasn’t for them. In my experience, many people make it harder than it has to be. You fix a marriage by fixing the small moments. It’s getting up every morning and knowing what to say to your wife to ignite love in her heart and to strengthen your understanding and respect for each other. It’s using simple skills that enable you to express your differences to your husband and have it bring your closer together, not further apart. It’s knowing what to do—and what not to do—so that you can be attracted to and affectionate with each other. I developed The Us Factor™ to help you learn powerful words that touch and arouse your partner. Words that can get you connected again.

The Secret: It’s Not What You Say To You Say To Your Partner, It’s How You Say It.
“No matter what I say, he won’t listen.” “She blames me for everything, and I can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong.” “He’s not affectionate with me, no matter how hard I try.” “It’s never
enough. All she does is complain about me.”

Nothing is more frustrating than putting your heart and soul into your marriage and feeling nothing in return. If this sounds like you, I want you to know the solution may not be in what you’re saying to your wife…but in how you’re saying it. The Us Factor™ is designed to show you a new way to communicate that lets you get through to each other—without causing hurt, anger and resentment. There’s no blaming, no defensiveness, no ugly arguments, no lasting hurt. You’ll learn to talk about even the most difficult subjects so that you can solve your problems and feel closer and more loving toward each other.

Maybe you’re thinking, “Nothing will help my marriage. We’ve just drifted too far apart, and I’ve tried everything already. ” You might feel defeated, alone and sad about what’s happened between the two of you. After years of arguing and trying and arguing more, perhaps you’ve just thrown your hands up and you don’t know what to do. Maybe you’ve separated or you’re considering divorce. I know that feeling. I’ve met hundreds of couples who felt the same
way…right before they learned the skills they needed to turn their marriage around.

Click The Us Factor, by Joseph Melnick


A complete list of help can be found on our Marriage And Divorce Sources Of Help page. Including other sources, you will find a number of very good links and phone numbers to clinics, ministries and christian counselors who can help. Some marriage divorce counseling is free of charge, while others are not.

There are many critical keys in this book regarding divorce, remarriage, submission, interracial marriage and relationships. Click on Divorce: God's Will? to order.


Divorce Hope
Port Carbon, PA 17965 U.S.A.

Copyright © 1992 - 2024 by:
Stephen Gola, DivorceHope.com & DivorceHope. All rights reserved.








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