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Most Marriages Are Destined To  Fail Because of This...
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Every page is filled with the yoke destroying, guilt releasing power and anointing of God! Your days of bondage are over! Click on the links below to view excerpts from the book on those topics.

Book Excerpts from Divorce: God's Will?

1. The Marriage Institution is Never Greater Than the Marriage Partners

2. Divorced Christians Who Married Again are NOT in Adultery!

3. The Marriage Institution and the Surgery of Divorce.

4. God Never Said, "I Hate Divorce," But Rather "Putting Away"!

5. It's the Motive Behind Divorce Which Makes it Sin.

6. Christian Husband Wife Submission

7. Does God Hate a Bad Marriage?

8. Adultery, Grounds for Divorce? Not Always.

9. Divorce and Remarriage, Staying in a Marriage for the Wrong Reasons.

10. Marriage Abuse, Divorce Grounds.

11. Can Divorced Christians Remarry? Absolutely!

12. Biblical Divorce & Biblical Remarriage.

13. Christian Divorce Facts for a Bad Marriage.

14. Breaking Soul Ties Can Save Your Marriage or Relationship.

15. Pregnant, Child Out of Wedlock and Mistake Pregnancy.

16. A Godly Christian Right to Divorce

17. Christian Godly Submission

18. Divorce and Remarriage, Has ALWAYS Been God's Heart.

19. Verbal Abuse In A Marriage or Relationship.

20. Widowhood is Being Single After a Divorce.

21. Failure As Husband--Marriage and Divorce

22. Marriage and Love Relationship: A Complete Marriage.

23. Interracial Marriage Relationships--Intercultural Marriage.

24. God's Peace and Grace for Divorce.

25. Led by the Spirit of God Through a Divorce.

26. What "God" Has Joined Together.

27. Let No Man Put Asunder (Pull Apart), But God Can.

28. Misunderstanding of a Marriage Separation Verses a Divorce.

29. Free eBook of all these Book Excerpts

Bible Teachings and Messages

B1. Bible Teaching Archives

B2. Weekly Bible Teaching Of Other Authors.

B3. The Three Levels of Truth: How These Impact Marriage and Divorce Decisions Instant Printable PDF Download

B4. Marriage Covenants Are Conditional (NOT Unconditional)
Instant Printable PDF Download

B5. Women In Ministry? Absolutely! Women Teaching in Church?
Instant Printable PDF Download

B6. Living A Sinless Life (Not A Sin-proof Life).
Instant Printable PDF Download

B7. Asking God For "Two or Three Witnesses" Before We Obey?
Instant Printable PDF Download

B8. The Extreme Significance of The Fruit of The Spirit in Marriage.
Instant Printable PDF Download

B9. God's ("Unconditional") Love: It's Moral Its Conditional.
Instant Printable PDF Download

B10. Are The Scriptures "Subject To Interpretation?"
Instant Printable PDF Download

B11.Matthew 19 (Matt 19) Bible Study on Divorce and Remarriage.
Instant Printable PDF Download

B12. To Love God With “All Your Heart” is NOT Enough!
Instant Printable PDF Download

B13. Helping a Friend Through a Divorce
Instant Printable PDF Download

B14. Does God “Allow” Us to Sin? Is Divorce a “Sin” That God “Allows”? Instant Printable PDF Download

B15. Save My Marriage! Why Most Marriages Are Destined to Fail. Instant Printable PDF Download

B16. What Does "For Better or for Worse" Mean in a Marriage? Instant Printable PDF Download

B17. Divorce and the Church: Ministers, Pastors and Leadership Who Abuse the Divorced. Instant Printable PDF Download

B18. A Revelation of: The Seven ( 7 ) Things The Lord God Hates.
Instant Printable PDF Download


R1. Apoluo, Greek Word Incorrectly Translated, Divorce. Means: To Separate. Instant Printable PDF Download

R2. Shalach, Hebrew Word Incorrectly Translated, Divorce. Means: To Separate. Instant Printable PDF Download

Relationship Advice Articles

A1. Sex and the Bible (Biblical and non-Biblical Sex)



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H1. Christian Remarriage - Bad Marriage Help

H2. Free Christian Divorce Counseling

H3. Christian Marriage Counseling

H4. Christian Marriage Counselor

H5. Free Christian Divorce Advice for Women, Men

H6. Christian Marriage Advice, Marriage Help

H7. Christian Marriage & Divorce Sources of Help

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There are many critical keys in this book regarding divorce, remarriage, submission, interracial marriage and relationships. Click on Divorce: God's Will? to order.


Divorce Hope
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